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Choked Flow Calculator

Note: Choked flow condition in orifice occur when Pd < 0.528 x Pu,
  Pd = downstream pressure
  Pu = upstream pressure.
  * 0.528 is for air. Value can vary for other fluids.

Choked flow link

Max 30 characters long.
Letters, numbers and space only, no special characters.

MW = g/mol

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

Tc = °C

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

Pg = kPa

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

Patm = kPa

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

z =

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

R = (kg.m2)/(s2.K.mol)

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

Cd =

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

k =

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

do = mm

Required field. Max 10 characters long.
Must be decimal.

$$P_a = P_g + P_{atm}$$ $$\rho = {P_a.MW \over z.R.T_c}$$ $$P_c = P_a. \left({2 \over k + 1} \right)^{k \over k + 1}$$ $$Q_m = C_d.A. \sqrt{ k. \rho .P_a. \left({2 \over k + 1} \right)^{k+1 \over k-1}}$$
Pa = kPa
ρ = kg/m3
Pc = kPa
Qm = kg/h